Monday, October 22, 2012

Avoiding Flameout...

Day 2 – Walked 3.72 miles and drank 3.5 quarts of my special tea drink.
Day 3 – Walked 1.72 miles and drank 2.5 quarts of special tea.
Day 4 – Walked at the Peavine Trail, 3.15 miles and drank 2.5 quarts of water / special tea. Read first  two chapters from Hal Higdon's book, Marathon, The Ultimate Training Guide. And no I am not completely crazy or alone in my desire to run a marathon at my age. I am not even the first. After reading Chapter 2, A Word To The Beginning Runner, realized I had fallen into the first trap of a beginner. In a word: flameout. Too much, too soon. So I decided to follow his sage advice start slow and do a prescribed formula of training then resting. If you are following me, you may want to consider buying his book.  This blog will not be a book report. I started a Pinterest Board: Running a Marathon at 50, where I am posting books and whatever I find that supports my quest.
Day 5 – RESTED (My back was really hurting. So glad to adjust my goal.)
Day 6 – Today's goal: 15 minute walk following Hal's plan. Drink 3.5 quarts of special tea.
Day 7 – Tuesday, tomorrow: more blogging about why I want to do a marathon, which Mr. Higdon captures so beautifully. I am setting up a schedule that has training days and then rest days, when I will blog. The whole endeavor is a major time management issue, which I really like.

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